communication core compotency reflection

I chose communication since i had the most connections to it in science specifficly. Talking is definetly something i enjoy doing, but when its about school work its not my favourite. Despite that fact i think communicating is inportant, you have to communicate to group memebers about projects, you have to ask quiestions to your teacher, you even have to sometimes ask classmates questions as well, point is communicating is a huge part of most peoples daily lives, of course theres always the odd one out. A time where i used communication to the fullest was during our feild studies. It was my and my groupmates responsobility to talk and work together which obisously involves communicating. We talked about the bugs and asked each other quiestions. Another time i communicated during science where all the time i asked quiestions to a classmate or even a teacher. Overall communicating is a large part of school, theres alot of people who dont enjoy speaking but pick up on things, for me i need someone to explain things until i fully understand, at least most the time… At the end of the day i communicated during science in many ocasions.

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