Chem 12 pH Candy lab

  • Purpose
    • To find the pH and Concentration of an everyday acid.
  • Procedure
    • If a solid, crush the candy and dissolve it in 50.0ml of water
      • If need be filter it afterwards
    • Titrate 10ml samples of acid with 0.10M NaOH three times
    • Use titration data to find [acid] and pH
  • Materials
    • Citric acid (Chemical compound goes here)
    • NaOH
    • Beaker
    • Graduated cylinder
    • Phenolphthalein
  • Data
    • 61g of citric acid (H3C6H5O7)
    • 10M NaOH
Trial # Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Volume initial 50ml 50ml 50ml
Volume final 47.3ml 46.4ml 46.7ml
Neutralization vol 2.7ml 3.6ml 3.3ml
  • Neutralization vol average = 3.2ml


  • Calculations
  • 61g * 1 mol/192g = 2.40*10-2 mol
  • 40*10-2 mol * 1/3.2*10-3 L = [7.50M] Citric acid
  • pH= -log[7.50M] pH= 0.88
  • Conclusion
    • Citric acid is pinkish in color
    • The pH of H3C6H5O7 is 0.88 and its concentration in a 10ml solution is 7.50M

Torque Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Lab

Torque is a rotational force that is a product of the distance from the fulcrum to the force applied and the perpendicular force applied itself. This begs the question, what does Torque have to do with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?






















Any pressure point or submission hold requires torque and an application of force in order to inflict the pressure they need to even function.

Surface area vs Volume

In math 9 we learned more about surface area and volume. We did this by using linking cubes and made shapes, where a singular cube would have a side length of 1 or 2 units. The difference of surface area and volume is that surface area is the area of the outside of the object while volume is the total amount of matter contained within the object. These are the formulae of a rectangular prism: S.A. 2(L*W+W*H+L*H) Volume: L*W*H

each cube has a side length of 1u


2(3*4+3*2+4*2) = 52u²


2(4*4+2*4+4*2) = 64u²


2(2*4+2*3+4*3-4) = 44u²



each cube now has a side length of 2u


2(2*3+2*4+3*4)*2                                                                                                                                                                                                                  =52u²*2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 =104u²


2(2*4+4*2+2*2)*2                                                                                                                                                                                                                 =38u²*2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                =76u²