The Crucible Questions

  1. How have you personally connected to, “The Crucible?”

The crucible reminded me of my siblings. We are always bickering and putting blame on each other. We can accuse each other of unbelievably impossible things just to make a point in an argument or get the upper hand in a situation.  There are no rules when we fight and sometimes the things that we do to each other are unfair and unkind. We don’t realize this until later because we are so wrapped up in our anger in the moment, but once we do it all seems so unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. In the crucible there are many events that take place in order to cause someone else harm for vengeance or personal gain. Having brothers is exactly like this.

  1. How has the exploration of “The Crucible,” deepen your understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world?

Reading the crucible made me understand just how important reputation is in our society. It is a crucial aspect of life and can really determine the quality of life for an individual depending on how good or bad their reputation is. It gives us opportunities and connections, and with this comes power. We are all fighting for our place on the social ladder and most of us will do anything in order to protect our reputation. How we are seen in the eyes of others is usually more important than how we see ourselves. This is because we do not decide our own role. That is decided by everyone else. And in order to have a good place in the standing it is important to be placed in a good spot. Most of us are not who we say we are, it is simply an act in order to blend in with the crowd we wish to be apart of. I understand now why people go through the trouble they do to make themselves look good in  situations, even when it goes against their morals. Nobody wants to admit they are not what they pretend to be because they don’t want to slip and end up at the bottom of the food chain. It’s survival of the fittest and we will go to great lengths to keep our image shiny because we are animals and it is in our nature to fight for our lives and their quality.