Math 9 Integers Addition and Subtraction

If you look at the images from our recent assignment you’ll notice that -5+(-11) and
-5-11 are equivalent because saying -5-11 is the same as -5+(-11). This is because, to solve -5+(-11) you have to change it to -5-(+11). Once you have done this it is the same as -5-11. They may be different equations but they’re the same once you begin the steps to solving the problem. The first equation is only more complicated with more steps than the other.
-5+11 and -5-(-11) are also equivalent because their answers are the same.
5-(-11) and 5+11 are also equivalent.

While doing this activity I learned to understand better how to solve all different kinds of equations, even if they had the same repeating numbers. Since the signs were in different positions it changed the results. It taught me to really understand when to take certain steps, for example, the different steps for adding and subtracting.

I think it’s important for students to know that the answer of an equation relies on the order of the signs and their placement. If the order of the signs change, the answer will most likely as well. It is also very important to know what steps you need to take for certain types of questions since multiplication, division, addition and subtraction all have different processes.

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Digital Footprint

After I Googled myself, it really made me realize how important it is to be mindful of your activity online. In the moment a comment or post can seem harmless, funny even, but to people around you it may not be that way.

Things you do online are for the most part very public and it’s impossible for you to ever know if it’s gone for good after deleting it. That’s why posting questionable things online is never a good idea, especially since future employers will most likely be looking at your profiles. The Internet has obviously become a crucial part of our lives, and many of us use it everyday. The people you need to impress the most will absolutely be doing their research, wether they look at you social media profiles or google you online. After seeing inappropriate or disturbing posts or comments on your behalf, it will most likely shape anyone’s decision of hiring you or not and can really affect the way they see you.
This could really affect your future, the things you do on your device could keep you from the job you want or ruin the relationships you build in your life.20160928-164850.jpg

Thinking before you post is the best way to avoid these situations and making positive impacts online by spreading positive energy can really boost yourself.
It’s surprising that the things you do online can affect your future, but that’s why it’s so important to think, is that how you want the professionals and the people you care about to see you?

How to Clean Up Your Digital Footprint and Your Online Identity

If you know you can’t hold back from making unnecessary comments or posts online, maybe it’s best not to have social media accounts at all. Having an account requires responsibility, since your future could be at steak and so could your safety, believe it or not. Some things online aren’t the best idea and could even end up putting you in dangerous situations, which is a good example of why the internet isn’t always a good thing. If you know you’re not the best at being careful and considerate then maybe some social networks just aren’t for you.


As long as you’re keeping tabs on your footprint and being mindful, you should surely be able to manage it with ease. Think about the consequences of every post and your digital life will stay neat and safe.


Is Social Media Marketing Your Most Powerful Tool?

Some important information I have learned would be that almost nothing you do online is private. It’s really taught me to be more careful and I believe everyone else should be too. I think it was very impactful when we googled ourselves because there were things I didn’t even know where there about me, and anyone can see it.
The best thing for me to do when I’m online is to put my device down and breathe for a minute before I ever post or send anything.
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