I hope to one day fall in love with someone as much as Amanda fell in love with Grant.

“If I Was Your Girl” is my favourite book. I would say of all time, but I know that I am going to read a book one day and fall in love with it just as much as Amanda fell in love with Grant.

I am extremely passionate about the LGBTQIA2+ community. Fighting for a community that half of the world hates is never easy. When I finally picked up a book that didn’t feel like there was an unconscious bias, it was so refreshing.

I relate to Amanda, the main character in the sense that we are both people who most of the school doesn’t like. We are beautiful souls that are beyond the high school era and cannot wait to leave and live as our true selves. I found that being able to relate to the main character in the story allowed me to stay engaged.

Meredith Russo, the author of “If I Was Your Girl” has the most beautiful way of presenting the story, without it being overwhelming for readers. She uses very descriptive language which drew me in and probably is one of the main reasons as to why I love this book so much. 

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