What I have learned about grade 9 solving equations

What is an equation?
An equation is a statement used with numbers and letters and has an equal sign. 

What are equivalent equations
Equivalent equations are two equations that have the same value on either side. 

How to solve equations (find what x = ?)

Visually with algebra tiles: Using algebra tiles is simple because we can slide tiles around easily to find the answer. I would definitely use a pencil or something to not combine the two sides together. 

Algebraically: Write your equations horizontally and go one step at a time. Do not combine two steps at once because you will get confused. Write each step on its own line. This way you will not get confused or miss a step. 

BFSD (brackets, fractions, sort, divide): Sometimes equations get ugly. Luckily, there is a very simple way to solve these sort of equations. Just follow 4 simple steps. 1 – Get rid of the brackets. 2 – Resolve any equations. 3 – sort the numbers using legal moves. 4 – divide the two numbers remaining. These steps come in very handy and I definitely recommend using them. 

How to verify (Check) a solution (answer) is correct: 

Use the answer that you got on the equation and then re-write the equation. Next place you answer beside each coefficient and then replace all the letters with multiplication signs. Next solve the equation until you get to two numbers at the end. If both numbers are the same, then your answer is correct. If the numbers are different, then your original answer is incorrect. 

Vocabulary :   

Equation : A statement used with numbers and letters and has an equal sign. 

Equivalent : When two numbers or equations are equal to each other. 

Solution : The answer to an equation. 

Coefficient : The number before a letter (algebra)

Zero pairs : When you add or subtract a number from either side and then when adding or subtracting from that number and the new number you get is 0, we call that a zero pair. 

Variable : Variables are the signs we use to add, subtract, multiply or divide. 

Constant : It is the number in an equation that does not have a letter attached to it. 

Common denominator : The number that is before a letter (algebra) 

Distribute : When you have a number in front of a set of brackets and so to get rid of the brackets you multiply the numbers on the inside of the brackets by the number on the exterior of the brackets. 


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