Google Hangout with Karishma Bhagani

google hangout

This is a picture of Emily asking her question to Karishma.


2. We did a Google hangout with Karishma Bhagani from Mombasa Kenya. She know goes to school at NYU. She made a water filter for country’s who have problems with getting safe drinking water. Her filter is made for only $10 so it is really affordable. I think that this was a really good idea and that it was really neat to talk to someone all the way from New York, working on a new invention to help out developing country’s around the world.

3.  The question that our group asked Karishma was: Is there a filter or a way to purify salt water since Kenya is right by the ocean? We also wrote down Did you move to the U.S.A for schooling? How did you get inspired to do this project?

4. I learned quite a bit from watching this chat. One person can make a big difference even though its just a little thing, it can change the world. She answered lots of our questions very detailed and very well. A few questions that our class asked were:

Is there a filter or a way to purify salt water? (Our question)

Karishma said that they are wondering about that and there is a way but they are not focused on that right now. She is more focused on country’s that get there water from dirty river water.

What motivates you to do what you do?

Her answer: Never forget where your roots are and where you came from. She was surrounded by poverty in Kenya. She is very happy and grateful to live where she does and the resources that she has. When she sees the Happiness in the peoples faces, when she gives them the water purifiers. We are the future and if we can make the change we are bound to change the world.


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