Science project upgrade

What we had in kinetic Molecular Theory before 

The kinetic molecular theory is a theory about matter.

All particles in matter are always moving and have energy.

The more energy the particles have the further they move.

Mercury is a liquid at a normal temperature the particles inside can slip and slid past each other.

When Mercury is at a high temperature its state is gas the particles can move freely around each other and can fill the the shape of the container it is in.

When Mercury is cooled down its state is solid and the particles vibrate against each other

These changes of state can happen when heat is added or coldness is added.

An example of a change of state is when water freezes into ice which is solidification or when water evaporates into the sun which is evaporation.

What we Added

Types of changes are called condensation: gas-liquid, evaporation: liquid-gas, melting: solid-liquid, freezing: liquid-solid, sublimation: solid-gas, deposition: gas-solid.



What we had in the parodic table section before

Mercury is in the grouping of transition metals right in the middle of the periodic table.
The atomic number of Mercury is 80 and has the same number of electrons and protons which is also 80.

Mercury has 120 neutrons and its atomic mass is 200.

The physical properties of Mercury are Liquidy, shiny and grey.

Mercury has physical connections to other metals because it is grey and shiny. But it is unlike all others metals because it is a liquid at room temperature.

Mercury has some chemical connections to other elements. It has a +1 and +2 charge which many other elements have and has a close connection in atomic number and mass to other elements.

What we added

Mercury also has a close connection to silver because of its symbols Latin name hydrargyrum, meaning liquid silver.

Mecury is in family 12 and period 6.

By Anthony and Nick