This week in Pre-Calc 11 we worked with very weird looking graphs. We focused on absolute value functions and reciprocal functions. The weirdest ones we worked with were the quadratic reciprocal functions with 4 invariant points.
With absolute value functions you have to graph your equation, and then flip whatever is negative to it’s positive form. ex. (-2,-3) will flip to (-2,3), you only flip the y-value, not the x.
The most crazy thing we learned this week was the reciprocal functions. That’s where you put your equation under 1 and graph that. The most important points for this are the x-intercepts. The x-intercepts become your asymptotes. Asymptotes are the points on the graph that you can not touch or cross. The asymptotes can be represented as an electric fence. You can get as close as you want to it without getting shocked, but as soon as you touch it you get zapped. Asymptotes don’t just make one single point untouchable though. For example if the assymptote is y=2, you can not go below 2.
This is an example of a reciprocal function