Digital Footprint

Photo of Person Holding Black PenMy digital footprint will affect my future opportunities because it helps university administrators judge me and find out my experiences easily. It can also give out a positive or negative effect on them.  It can help me get accepted in jobs if it is positive but can be told otherwise if negative. 



Clear Light Bulb

 I can check my digital footprint every month to see if anything that I did not want to post online appeared. I can also update my edublog twice a week just to show the development in my learning. The third thing I can do is to ask a friend for some feedback on some new changes I should do. I could also give my friend some tips to help.



Photography of People Using Smartphones

The information that I learned and would pass on to other students is that it isn’t always good to have a empty digital footprint. I would pass on this message because I didn’t know this piece of information until I went to this class. I would share this information by telling the people I see that are making the same mistake and by having this post on my edublog.






Flat-lay Photography of Macbook Pro Beside Paper


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