Tag Archives: EngineerBrightness

Making Lanterns for the Dominican Republic

Summary of what I learned so far:

What I have done so far:
I designed how it would look like before we started. I created some designs but they were not good enough, so I made some new designs, which is better. I made some simple designs because I like simple and useful stuff. Then I connected the led on the PC board by soldering it in the workshop.

Why am I doing it:
I am doing it because we are trying to help the Dominican Republic. Less than 50% of the people in the Dominican Republic have electricity and most of the people there just have electricity for a few hours or even none everyday. By making these lanterns, it will help a few families a lot. We are doing our best to help them.

What have I learned:
I have learned how to solder, soldering can make wires connect better and make electricity flow better. I have also learned how electricity work and how it flows. It always flow from positive to negative; a closed circuit means that there is no opening, a closed circuit is needed for electricity to flow. Ohm’s law is another thing I learned, The equation for Ohm’s law is V=IR. V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance.