What’s good and what’s bad

  1. Link to the article: http://all-that-is-interesting.com/how-internet-destroys-your-brain

This article relates to our everyday life, which is the reason a like this article. It is about how the internet can affect our daily life. I like how the writer uses some real life examples to prove that himselt/herself right. This article makes me realizes everything has pros and cons; there is nothing that is totally good or totally bad.

Never Stop learning

Link to the article: http://www.stage-door.org/stampact/traps.html

I think this article is very interesting because I like to read articles about weird things. This article is about how weird English could be, which makes me interested in it. I like how the writer uses a lot of rhetorical questions. The questions makes me think about examples of how weird English could be that I didn’t even think about before. This article reminds me that there is still a lot of things I don’t know and need to learn.