Making Lanterns for the Dominican Republic

Summary of what I learned so far:

What I have done so far:
I designed how it would look like before we started. I created some designs but they were not good enough, so I made some new designs, which is better. I made some simple designs because I like simple and useful stuff. Then I connected the led on the PC board by soldering it in the workshop.

Why am I doing it:
I am doing it because we are trying to help the Dominican Republic. Less than 50% of the people in the Dominican Republic have electricity and most of the people there just have electricity for a few hours or even none everyday. By making these lanterns, it will help a few families a lot. We are doing our best to help them.

What have I learned:
I have learned how to solder, soldering can make wires connect better and make electricity flow better. I have also learned how electricity work and how it flows. It always flow from positive to negative; a closed circuit means that there is no opening, a closed circuit is needed for electricity to flow. Ohm’s law is another thing I learned, The equation for Ohm’s law is V=IR. V is the voltage, I is the current, and R is the resistance.

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is a death penalty for people who had done wrong things such as murder, treason and rape. It has existed for a long time. One of the earliest recorded executions in Canada came in 1749 in newly-founded Halifax. A sailor named Peter Cartcel killed a man and was tried before a general court. He was quickly found guilty and hanged two days later. In 1967, a government bill to apply mandatory life imprisonment in all murder cases, except when the victim was an on-duty police officer or prison guard.

Thomas was hanged because he killed Mathew, who raped his wife. Before capital punishment was abolished, if you kill someone in Canada you would also be hanged.

Thomas should not have been killed because hanging someone to show that killing is not allowed does not make sense. Since killing is bad, why is he being hanged? Killing is not the only way to punish someone, there are a lot more ways to punish. In addition, he was just trying to get revenge but he just did it in a wrong way. If he did not kill Mathew, then the hangman would have hanged a wrong person. Punishing someone by killing then is not the best way to punish them.

Person being hanged. (Photo provided by Death Penalty News)