Straw tower challenge

1. Describe the shape or construction of the tower that was the tallest and won the
challenge? How was this tower different from yours, if yours did not win?
A: There is one main supporting straw in the middle and some supporting straws on the side. Ours was four supporting straws forming a square and they were connected with straws.

2. If you had a chance to do this project again, what would your team have done
A: We would have built it like the team that won.

3. Do you think that this activity was more rewarding to do as a team, or would you have
preferred to work alone on it? Why?
A: I prefer to work as a team, because teamwork makes projects a lot more easier.

4. If you could have used one additional material (tape, glue, wood sticks, foil — as
examples) which would you choose and why?
A: I would choose wood sticks, because they are tough.

5. Do you think that once a building is designed and approved for construction that many
aspects are changed during the building process? Why or why not?
A: No, because since the building is approved, it means it’s good to go.

6. How long do you think it will take before a building is constructed that surpasses the
height of the Burj Khalifa? Where do you think it will be built? Why?
A: I think it would take a long long time to build it. It would be built on strong ground, because there is less chance of it collapsing.

Marshmallow challenge

1.Was there a leader on your team? Who was it and who decided who the leader would be?

A: No, there weren’t.

2. If you had no leader, do you think having designated someone a leader would have helped?

A: Not really, the leader could lead us to the wrong way, it’s probably better to work together without a leader.

3. If you had a leader, how did he/she do?


4. How helpful was everyone on your team in challenging the process of building the tallest structure? Did anyone appear to be an expert?

A: Everyone was helpful, everyone gave ideas and helped build the tower, nobody appeared to be an expert, they are all pretty smart.

5. Did any team members tune out of the activity — out of frustration with other members or for some other reason? What could you have done to keep all members of the group fully engaged?

A: Nobody tuned out of the activity. I could tell him/her that everyone in the group is important and we would like his/her help.

6. Did you feel everyone’s ideas were well received during the activity?

A: Yes, everyone’s ideas were all well received.

7. How did you feel as the time limit was approaching? Did pressure increase? If yes, was that helpful or not?

A: The pressure did increase, we kind of rushed at the end, but we still made it to 2^{nd} place

8. In retrospect, what could you have done better?

A: We could have made the base stronger and break the spaghetti into smaller parts.

9. Did you celebrate small wins? If yes, how did you do this?

A: No

Food critic – yelp review

Cora the great restaurant for breakfast and lunch

Cora is located in coquitlam, there is enough space so it wouldn’t be too crowded. People usually go with their families or friends. The environment is a bit noisy sometimes but it makes excellent food, especially breakfasts. The seats are quite comfortable so you can eat comfortably. The portions are pretty big for the price, the food there could fill almost everyone’s tummy. The staff are friendly and nice, which makes you want to go there again. It’s great to have a birthday breakfast or lunch there since the food is excellent. If you love great breakfast you have to try out their food, you couldn’t miss it.


Yelp review:

Even though Cora is a bit noisy sometimes, the food is excellent and portions are pretty big. It’s great to go there with your family.