Myths about Caffeine

I am not a very coffee drinker, I don’t really like its flavor, and also my family it is not a very coffee consumer so it is not very common to have a conversation about coffee at home that’s because I didn’t heart before about this myths before.

I decided to work on the 3rd myth which is a about caffeine dehydrates you

1st fount:

Caffeine is a mild diuretic, which means that it causes your kidneys to flush extra sodium and water from the body through urine. It’s logical to think you could become dehydrated, if you have an increasement of the times you need to go to the washroom, but this is not exactly how it works.

Dr. Daniel Vigil from , an associate clinical professor of family medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles contradicts this myth by the explanation that when drink a cup of coffee (40mg of caffeine per 100g) or iced tea (11g caffeine per 100g) you are also taking a volume of liquid with the caffeine. The caffeine is also a mild diuretic as I said before, but this doesn’t mean that you will expel more fluid by urine because your is able to absorb as much as you need and expel the rest.

In my opinion this article has a very clear and easy explanation for understanding and the Doctor is a qualified person.

Fountain 2:

It start explaining an urban legend that says you have to drink and extra glass of water for every cup of coffee. The origin of that myth is cause by a study in 1928 suggesting that giving people a small dose of caffeine can induce to a small increase in urine output what can be understand that dehydrates you.

This fountain didn’t convince me it explanation because the study has a very little population just 56 men so I decided to search on other studies.

Fountain 3:

A part of the article was very interesting, when Lawrence Armstrong a professor in an university that has other articles about hydration, explain that your urine expulsion will increase by the quantity you drink so if you drink a cup of coffee you are increasing your volume of fluid consume. He did a study, with a small population but more convincing for me than fountain 2 because they use more variants (20 different hydrating biomarkers) and more time (11 days). They found that the results were very similar between the population with not a big variation

In conclusion I didn’t know about this myth before but now I dont’t think it has a solid base and the explanation of fountain number 1 convinced me and fountain number 3 had a more objective base that helped me to understand