Waste food

It is very common, at least in my home country, cooking much more than we need just for have happy every person. This is very common in my grandparents house where they cook a lot just because usually there are lots of relatives eating there with different likes.

At home I think I can stop wasting foods with Tupperware on the fridge, the food I didn’t finish it can be eat by me or even by other person like my mum or my brother and it is not necessary to eat it in one day it can be 1 or 2 weeks in the best of the cases.  

I usually order pizza with my friends and because we are a lot of people we buy so many units and often we finish it so I think we should have a more responsible attitude trying to adapt our order to what we really need.

Making big dishes like soups  and staff and keeping them on the fridge we can eat other days until finish it and is also a way of saving food

My idea is to try to reduce the food  wasting by keeping them for next uses of other people or even me but in other time, this is also very useful for trying to have a stable diet without much time for cooking because although that day we cant cook we have more food on the fridge from last day and we don’t need to make use of fast food.

In conclusion if we are able to try to eat before or other people we could reduce the number of waste food.