John Martin 335 “Those near round me are well satisfied with their homes” This shows us that those who have moved to Canada with…
Andrew's Blog
My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio
My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio
John Martin 335 “Those near round me are well satisfied with their homes” This shows us that those who have moved to Canada with…
In this cartoon, the Irish are depicted as the one who are the ones always creating a ruckus, this also shows the characteristics of the…
Part A Urban Knitting (dress making, making clothes) Cooking (make bread, cheese, butter, curing meat) Decision to move would be up to the man (therefore…
Part A Economy Clearing land to farm and build houses Fur trade (rural settings) Tenant farmers Farmers mortgaged their crops Trade with Britain and US…
Global warming is a problem as it will change the settlement patterns for the Canadians because it will change the needs of people, and the…
Continue reading Global Warming and Settlement Patterns in Canada
By. Matthew Park, Andrew Wang The Arctic Region includes many plains, lowlands, and mountains. One of the topography in Arctic Region is fold mountains. These mountains,…
Arctic The arctic was formed by the pressure that was built up in the north east of the Canadian shield had pushed the sedimentary rocks…
The St.Lawrence Lowlands had giant lakes that were formed by melted ice sheets, these drained and the old shoreline became bluffs. In between the bluffs…
Arctic Subarctic This picture shows the subarctic’s tundra vegetation (shrubs) and the aniamls in the coniferous forest (bears) Cordillera Tundra Open Woodland Coniferous Forest Coast…
Continue reading Vegetation and Formation of Canadas Physiogrpahic Regions