Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy? Macdonald developed the National Policy because he needed a political platform to convince the Canadians of his ideas. It later become the basis…
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My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio
Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy? Macdonald developed the National Policy because he needed a political platform to convince the Canadians of his ideas. It later become the basis…
Belongs to Britain Belongs to America Englishman George Vancouver was the first non-native to discover and explore Puget Sound British fur traders were employees of…
There were some points in this article that I agree with for example how Canada and the US have differences from east to west but are…
1. Kingsway – Old first nations trail, today’s kingsway follows the false creek route 2. Gastown- John Deighton had a vision, he paddled in Burrard…
This volcano is known as Eyjafjallajokull is located in Iceland had its first eruption on March 20, 2010, but its eruption in April was a lot…
Why did Aboriginals sign treaties with Douglas Document #1: James douglas “those Indians came forward with a demand for payment” -aboriginals asked Douglas for the treaties, that means they wanted it, not Douglas Document #2: Chief David Latasse Mutual Benefit “The indians considered that there was lots of land and had no thought of or fear of extensive settlement by white men” -the indians felt safe and were fine with the whites coming in, they did not fear losing their land (Can we trust him even though hes 105 years old) Document #3: Treaty Negotiations 1850 “Today, why should the white people treat us so? We never fought them, yet they took away our property. This land is ours . . . Never, never did the Indians sign away title to their land just for a few blankets. Document #4: “The oral tradition of the Saanich people who signed two of Douglas’s sheets of paper is that, whatever may have been said or written at the time they believed that the document was a peace treaty.” “they thought they were being asked, under the sign of the Christian cross, to accept compensation for not making war.” Document #5: John Elliott Sr “Between our people and the white people, they talked Chinook. And some of our people knew it, and some people didn’t” -Some aboriginals knew how to speak chinook, and some did not. So they couldn’t really speak to the white people. Document #6: Joseph Mckay “…Douglas was very cautious in all his proceedings.” James Douglas Document #7: Saanich people speaking to the BC provincial government “Saying these blankets is not to buy your lands, but to shake your hands…in good harmony and good tumtums (heart). When i got enough of your timber I shall leave the place” -When James Douglas knew he had enough Timber he left the place Document #8: Gabriel Bartleman “But what they were thinking then was that it was a peace offering for the damage that he had done” -the native people trusted Douglas and believed everything he told them Document #9: Douglas’ treaty terms “It was arranged that the whole of their lands…should be sold to the company, with the exception of the Village sites and enclosed fields, for a certain remuneration to be paid at once to each member of the Tribe” -Douglas decided that he would sell all the the Tribe’s lands to the Hudson’s Bay Company The treaties were agreed…
Description: In this image there is a couple signs that are on the side of the road that goes across the page that says Northwest…
Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy? Macdonald developed the National Policy because he needed a political platform to convince the Canadians of his ideas. It later become the basis…