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The Charlottetown, PEI conference took place on September 1, 1864. There were social activities such as, the famous oyster and champagne lunch aboard the Canadians’ ship, luncheons at the homes of local delegates and officials, seaside excursions, and a grand ball at the legislative building. This conference took place because Nova Scotia, New Brunswick ad PEI were trying to decide if they wanted to create a Maritime Union. The province of Canada caught wind of the proposed Conference and members of combined legislature requested permission to attend in hopes to raise the larger subject of British North American union, this was something they saw as a solution to their difficulties. Once the conferences began talk of Maritime union vanished the conference agenda. The proceedings were closed therefore, there is little to no public record of what was said at these meetings. George- Etienne Cattier and John A. Macdonald presented their arguments in favour union. Alexander Galt talked about the possible financial agreements that could be made. George brown presented ideas of the form that a united government might take. The conference ended on September 9, 1864. The delegates continued with meetings in Halifax, Saint John and Fredericton. It was decided that the idea of British North American union needed to be further discussed, and needed formal planning.Therefore, a second conference was scheduled on October 10, 1864 in Quebec City. I being a British from West Canada, believe this conference was purposeful and Confederation is what we need. Although, nothing has been decided we plan to have another Conference, to further discuss. I’m glad to have started to persuade the French that binding together would be the best for us. Combining our debt and building a stronger army would only make us better furthermore, help the both of us out.
Charlottetown Conference

The Quebec Conference began on October 10, 1864. The weather was miserably cold and windy, and the overbearing rain dampened the spirits of the delegates immediately. This purpose of this conference was to discuss the idea of Confederation as, the British were all for it but the French weren’t. If the talk went well a constitutional proposal would be drafted. There was much talk back and forth, it was then concluded with the delegates from within the conference drafting a text known as the 72 Resolutions. The conference ended on October, 27, 1864. The 72 Resolutions proposed the ideas including: the BNA colonies would lie in a union fair to all the provinces, the British constitution would be the model for the constitution of the new union, there would be seats in House of Commons for each province, Provincial governments would hold most power, the laws created by Federal combined had to be passed Provincial government, both French and English language would be used, all tax bills were created in the House of Commons or House of Assembly, Federal government was in Ottawa, the Federal government assumed the debts and there were certain conditions and incentives for different provinces to enter the union. The purpose of the conference was for good reasons and the idea of Confederation needed to be further discussed. We proposed the idea of combining colonies to the maritime colonies and I think they have started to consider the idea. The 72 Resolutions was one step closer to becoming a confederation. The representatives operated very smoothly in convincing the Maritime Provinces

The conference in London began in December, 1866 and ended in March, 1867. The purpose of this conference was to discuss the problems with officials of the British Government the delegates came from the Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In the London the social events lost importance and weren’t as important as they were in the conferences before. However, some of the delegates from North American went and visited family and friends in European countries. The most significant and largest social event took place when John A. Macdonald got married who, was the chairman of the conference. There was also, a royal audience for the delegates that were higher up on the totem pole. John Macdonald being British mentioned many of the problems faced in British North America, and after the conference, many of the problems had been addressed and fixed. The British Government shared there point of view of what was happening in North America at this time. British Government supported Confederation and believed the United States would be less of a threat to Canada if Canada became their own country. Education was also greatly discussed at this conference. The delegates from the Province of Canada believed there should be separate education systems while the delegates from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick did not agree with the idea. After a lot of discussing they, compromised on the idea that the school systems would remain separate in Ontario and Quebec, but combined in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. To conclude the conference the British North America Act was drafted and passed then delegates returned home to prepare for the union. From a British perspective I believe this conference was very successful. Confederation will be very good for Canada, as now we will be an independent country with a strong government, pleasing the people. The people that live in the other provinces won’t have to pay as many taxes because of the inclusion of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Lastly the London Conference ended the conferences that discussed Confederation and gave our country a new name; the Dominion of Canada

.London Conference

Published inSocials 10

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