The effects of global warming in Canada


the definition of global warming is

a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. 

i truly believe that global warming in Canada is a problem and that this problem would change  how the population of Canada is distributed across the physiography regions because they could change in result of global warming.

this map is showing the population distribution in Canada,as you can see the vast majority is located further south to the equator.where its much warmer that up north to where its cooler. but as climate change for example having zero to no snowfall throughout the few past winters. another example are the shrinking ice sheets of Antarctica losing about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic miles) of ice through 2002 and 2005.these changes on our environment also have the power to impact our human health.

it doesn’t necessarily mean that just because a city such as port Coquitlam  is getting warmer throughout time people will find other locations to establish their homes because their factors which effect settlement such as climate, vegetation,geographical location,and the economy which also effect the settlement of humans


cordillera region

if it gets warmer it will end up getting dense with not much space to go to because their enclosed by the mountain regions i suspect that other small cities/communities of the region will increase in population. theirs a possibility of the cordillera becoming extremely hot and getting into droughts because of its climate being used to wet,and moist

interior plains

with the region having a flat landscape would build up its dense population by surrounding the cities which are already standing,their could be a possible flooding because of the melting glaciers rising the water levels

Canadian shield

doesn’t have much of a dense population compared to the other regions because of its rough topography not making it easy to build on.the people in this region could move to other regions as climate changes if it does change very drastically. climate change i think would change a lot depending on the area the people are living in.

st Lawrence lowlands region

currently the most populated area in Canada the people living in the st Lawrence lowlands region could easily move to a region such as the interior plains if they choose to as the population increases.

Appalachian region

i think that as other regions start to get denser in population the Appalachian region would also get denser.

arctic region

I believe that this is the region which will be effected to most out of all the regions,and will also contribute to the change in many of the other regions.because of the melting glaciers,rising the water levels. not many people dare to live in the arctic region

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