racism then vs racism now


I believe racism is the same as it is now.

It has become more hidden, and people try to say that it has changed but it has not. There is still slavery, still people cannot go into stores without causing a ruckus. Even how we wear our hair. We have been given more opportunities but even when we take one foot forward  we take ten steps back. As we had leaders and groups like Malcolm x and the black panthers, we have new groups to fight the brutalities of those in power like the black lives matter movement. But our protest of our injustice is being clouded with the movement of the all lives matter response. I believe the scariest thing is when a president says both the nazis/kkk and the black lives matter movement were both at fault. Back then the presidents did not do that. But actually brought in police  to protect the black population like president jfk. As well as cultures try to take things from the black people that were deemed ugly and is now very popular like big lips. I myself had comments on things like my hair and was made fun of but now those who made fun of me now want their hair like me,as they have seen white celebrities have their hair like mine. As well as going to stores we are automatically labeled as thivies and store owners follow us , similar to back then when they were not even allowed to try on the clothes. People see black people as scary, but we should be afraid of them. Do you even hear that they found a black man with 20 bodies in his house slim to none. As well as here in the western cultures we are the minorities. This why rascim has not changed.