Car buying experience



Car Buying Experience

Planning 10

1. Based on the car/truck you select, complete the following categories. Be sure to use the following web site (or a similar one) for your calculations:

Option # Make & Model Year Invoice Price Down Payment Interest Rate Total Interest Paid
Monthly payment Total # of Months to Pay Off loan Total Amount paid for vehicle Choice Number
Ford Escape XLT
2012 9250 1500 3.45 Percent 146 658 12 months 9004 3
Honda Civic Coupe

2007 4500 1500 20 Percent 335 278 12 months 3613 1
2008 9995 1500 20 Percent 948 787 12 months 10 230 4
4 Mazda 3

2010 5500 1500 20 percent 446 371 12 months 4 817 5
2011 8000 1500 20 Percent 725 602 12 months 7827 2

2. Which vehicle did you choose to buy and explain your reasons why.
The reason why I choose the BM X 5 is, even though it was the most expensive out of all of them. It was the most practical for my life; it has seven seats so it could fit my whole family in it. As well, it has a lot cool ad-on’s, for example a tv ,heated seats and a navigation seats. Moreover, for this price I believe that is pretty good.

Career and Conversations response

For the careers and conversation, some of the people I talked to was Mike Whitaker, who is a quizmaster, which is cool. What fun job is that, he said he loves his job but when it comes to office work, it is not favorite part of the job. One thing is that his parents supported him through his choice to work as quizmaster. Another person who I talked and stood out to me was Rory Morgan, he is lawyer but not just an ordinary lawyer, and he is an injury lawyer. He has been a lawyer for almost 19 years. That is very long time; I like how he still finds joy going to work after so many years. One people who I talked to who gave me some wise words was Cathy Chapell, who is a doping control officer, ethics in sport learning facilitator and coach. Said to me when I get nervous do something before I play to relax me. Sadly, the people who were there had no careers that I would consider doing. Well for me I did not really care for it because the profession that were there was not really to my interest.  Nevertheless, many of friends enjoyed it and was valuable experience. One thing that I took away from this experience was that get uncomfortable talking to people who I have never met, but this forced me to look people in the eye.