community communications

For my community communications project I interviewed Sheri Smeltzer. She works as an EA in the school system. She helps kids with special needs in school. When I asked to interview her, she was happy to do so. I wanted to interview Sheri because I fell a connection with kids, and I enjoy being around them. The following is the interview (Q = question A = summary answer).

Q: Why are you passionate about your job?

A: She developed a passion for helping kids at a young age when she found that she can connect with kids. Helping kids had a special place in her heart.

Q: What have you faced to get you where you are today?

A: She started  classes for teaching, but she was not enjoying it. She then went to be a nanny for 2 years. She then saw an add for a special needs assistant and Sheri knew that she wanted to work with special needs. In high school, she worked 2 special needs kids as a volunteer and really liked it.

Q: What advice would you pass on to someone interested is what you are doing?

A: There is a few things that you will need: stickers, be open to using toys, good foot wear, a change of clothes, and swim suite in your car. You should also be prepared for a lot of different situations. You should also ask lots of questions during your practicum.

Q: What kind of personality traits do you need for your job?

A: You need to be patient, understanding, quick thinking, flexible, and sensitive. You need to have a good sense of humor as well.

Q: How does it make you feel to help kids?

A: It makes Sheri fell warm and fuzzy!  She also said her job is satisfying and rewarding. She feels that she is doing something good as that the kids she helps teach her so much.

Q: Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

A: No thanks.

This is my reflection on the project. I learned that I could go into this job and do just fine because I have a lot of the personality traits that are helpful. I’m confident the Sheri could be a mentor for me and I would fell confident contacting her again if I have questions. I think that it would make me feel good to help kids who have special needs  because I would be giving back to the world. I think that EA’s are underappreciated because I didn’t realize that so much went into the job. It connects to my interests because, yet again, I like to be with kids because they make me happy. I also like to help people. It makes me fell good to contribute.

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