Pre-Calculus, Week 3

This week in Pre- Cal 11 I learned about Absolute Value and Radicals.

Absolute Value of a real number is defined as the principle square root of the square of a number, Principle Square Root is always a positive number, Square of a number is \sqrt{25} = 5 but is you have \sqrt[2]{25}=5 it is always a positive number in absolute value so it would be for both \mid 5\mid . Absolute value is always the distance from zero.

When using Roots & Radicals: the \sqrt [root]{radicand} the number in front of the root is the coefficient. if you have a square root it is always a positive in the radicand and the index is always a 2. If you have a cute root it is either negative or positive in the radicand and the index is always 3. The higher roots can be \sqrt [4]{positive}  \sqrt [5]{positive/negative}  \sqrt [6]{positive}



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