Posts Tagged ‘Genetics and Technology’

Genetically Engineered Drugs


The problem that we’re trying to solve is to understand the changes in certain viruses and make certain drugs more stronger and resistant to prevent illnesses and help cure multiple people with gene therapy.

Some assumptions that people have made are; doctors having lack of knowledge on genetics and modification, not understanding how the process works, not knowing who’s severely or mildly allergic to these genetically modified drugs and not knowing what will happen if the process goes wrong and does harm to anyone who uses them. Some positive assumptions that people have made about using these types of drugs are many believe that these drugs can help a lot of people who are severely sick and that doctors will have an increased chance in success with gene therapy and learn more about how genetic engineering works.

The writers are all mostly in favour for genetically modified drugs. They think that it’s a great way to help more people in gene therapy. When the drugs are genetically modified, the writers think that the drugs and vaccines will become more strong and reliable over time as the doctors develop more of an understanding on the topic. Some medications, such as insulin can be made by attaching a human gene to the DNA of bacteria to produce insulin. Using bacteria to produce insulin can be done at a lower cost, with less time to wait for the drug to be produced. Some think that genetic engineering will work, but others oppose of that idea. Others think that it will not work very well and that there will be faults along the way. Some examples said were; not knowing how far to go with the idea before it becomes harmful to people and not knowing what is safe and not safe to use.

Social implications on engineering genetically modified drugs are doctors having lack of knowledge and understanding on technology and genetics, concerns of them not being able to reverse the process, knowing what percentage of genes the drug needs to have before a human can properly use it and knowing who is allergic to these genetically modified drugs and vaccines. These are the bad social implications of this topic. The good social implications are treating people with better, stronger vaccines that have a better chance at curing people, finding more information on how the process works so the doctors can get better at it, greater detail on the study of genetics and DNA and creating better medicine for gene therapy to increase greater chances of success.

Ethical implications on genetically modified drugs are several health risks when using gene therapy, experiments done on animals could cause animal lovers to be concerned with the genetic therapy, affecting the natural process of nature by adding genetics to vaccines and drugs and possible affects in human behaviour. Good ethical implications are, creating drugs that can help heal multiple people, learning more about genetics and what are the causes of genetic abnormality and how to prevent it.

Out of all of the research that I have found, I think that the process will be a success and the doctors will solve the problem and help many people who are severely ill. I also think that as they go through the process multiple times, they will develop a greater understanding on genetics and create new, better medications to help cure people.

My personal thoughts on this idea are both positive and negative. I think it’s great because it can help develop more stronger vaccines to resist viruses and help fight off flu’s, diseases and severe illnesses. My thoughts are also somewhat negative because of the doctors not knowing what will be safe to use and not knowing what the consequences are if something goes wrong during the process. Overall, I think that this idea will have lots of success and will go more into detail as time goes by and doctors will become more advanced and technical in genetic engineering.