Astronomy Wonder Post – Information Fluency

1. What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic? 

What are Exoplanets?

What methods are used to discover planets beyond our Solar System?

How many Exoplanets have been found?

Which methods are the hardest and which ones are the most resourceful?

Who was the first scientist to find an Exoplanet?

2. What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used Topic Finder to help me find a detailed topic; Google to help me research the information; YouTube so I could find resourceful videos and embed them into my blog post; Citation Machine so I could cite my websites carefully and precise.

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic? 

First, I found topics that interested me in astronomy, then I narrowed down my options to planets. I then found a topic about planets discovered beyond space and started researching more into it. Finally, I started my topic on “Exoplanets,” and began researching how scientists can discover these planets without being in space. I found many cool facts, information, and data about these planets. At the end, I went onto YouTube and found videos that explained further detail about my topic. Also, I cited all of my websites on Citation Machine so I could make sure my websites were proper, and had correct information.

4. How did you verify and cite the information you found?

To verify and cite the information I had found, I used Citation Machine and researched other websites to compare the information. I wanted to make sure these were correct facts about Exoplanets so there wouldn’t be any false information added into my blog post.

5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better? 

I think the majority of process to complete this blog post went well, except for a few minor setbacks. I had found my topic, and tried my best to make it interesting. I then got it checked, and started to research all of my information and questions on “Exoplanets.” When I had finished, I cited my websites and went on YouTube to find my videos. One thing I would have fixed about my project was to stop procrastinating. If we had more class time, and I used my days in class more wisely, I could have made my project more better. Also, I would have taken my time to make my project more visually creative, and detailed my images better. Overall, I think this assignment was very fun and would recommend this project for other teachers to give in science classes.

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