Circle Talk

Learning is embroidered in memory, history, and story.

From the stories that I learnt from my grandparents, I was able to determine what kind of life I wanted to have from a young age. My grandparents stories, typically were based around their journey to Canada. Even though both set of grandparent grew up in different places, their stories are very similar. They were resilient and had to work extremely hard to ensure that their children and grand children had the life that they wanted. Both Grandfathers had two jobs just to be able to have a roof over their head. The most influential thing for me was, even though they were struggling, they made sure that they gave back to the world in any way that they could; whether it was from giving a homeless person food, or volunteering their day off to work at the food bank.

They shared their stories with me, the history behind everything they do, and helped me create lasting memories with them. They taught me why I should give back and how to show appreciation for everything I have in life.


This is a photo of my grandmother who is the most influential and greatest person I know


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