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Our Fate is Already Determined 

In this article, Nafeez Ahmed talks about how it might already be too late to save our earth. What was really intriguing about this was the hook; “It is now too late to stop a future collapse of our societies because of climate change.” He explains how all these years, instead of saving our earth, we have been destroying it even more. It has now gotten to the point where it could be irreversible. He explains how some people believe it might be more of a gut feeling instead of actual science. Therefore, they don’t believe that the world is in danger; they’re in denial of what’s happening. He goes on to do some interviews with scientist to get their point of view on it. Bendell stated “we are now in a climate emergency, which will increasingly disrupt our way of life… a societal collapse is now inevitable”. Gavin Schmidt, a scientist who works for NASA, believes that the collapse of civilization will be within the next 10 years. He is uncertain of exactly when it will happen, but its inevitable.

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