New Media 11-Blog Log 1




Death not of a person but a soul

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I love this article because of the way the author has picked the point of view. Typically, in books or other platforms, you don’t see this view of a death. We tend not to read much about this because “Violent unintentional deaths fill the pages of centuries’ worth of literature”. They have included multiple different stories into this blog and in each one you see that a part of these people that, lived, also dies that day; however, they carry on this knowledge knowing that they killed someone for the rest of their lives. I also love the use of imagery. The way the car crashes are described makes it seem like you can imagine them. They also use it to express what the people that committed the crime feel like. You are able to sense their pain and sorrow. He explains how accidental deaths are a conscious choice to impose a risk (…) opens a person up to moral liability.” I think that, that line was very powerful. Even when on accident, we still choose these things. Lastly, I love how each way these people get into accidents are different, some are personal, some are with Absolut strangers. Death can happen anywhere, and we don’t have a choice when it happens

One thought on “New Media 11-Blog Log 1”

  1. Alyssa, quite the article, quite sad… interesting thoughts you expressed. Make sure your hyperlink opens in a new tab. thx

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