Short story’s to screenplay Marionettes Inc

For the marionettes inc, it starts with Braling and his wife getting married. Braling is not happy with what is going on. He does not want to marry Susan but he is going to anyway. Flash forward 3 years to when he and Susan are Fighting. Braling wants a divorce but he wants to be a good husband. Soon he discovers Marionettes Inc. Marionettes Inc is a factory that makes clones of yourself. The clones can completely take over your life for up to 6 months. They can, walk, talk, eat and act exactly like you. Braling ends up buying a marionette doll, but it turns out to be his biggest mistake. Braling was talking to his friend smith who was thinking to buy one and everything was swell, but the second he got home, he realized his clone fell in love with his wife and his life. They fought, but in one split second, Bralings life, belonged to Braling 2.


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