Trying to turn the article “VPD purchases three drones for investigation by Susan Lazaruk.
VPD invades privacy of civilians.
By: Alyssa Mawji
In 2019 the Vancouver Police Department decided to buy three drones to investigate on crime scenes. The VPD has claimed that they will not use the these drones to “random surveillance”, but to insure the safety of everyone.
- crime scenes
- car accidents
- big social gatherings ( ex: Canada day)
- investigating drug use
- direct officers to criminal activity
Thees drones have the power to fly all over the city, while recording what we do. They will be kept for a total of 30 days before being deleted. They will be guarded by the VPD.
The VPD has put the B.C. Civil Liberties Association in to action to unsure that the drones do not break any civilian laws.
These drones cost around 140 000$ for 1 large drone and 2 small drones