The definition of New media is different platforms to communicate entertainment or an idea. It can express one idea to another on multiple different devices/ media. The way new media is created is that it is interactive (2 way communication) and on demand, meaning you can see it instantly. The way that media became new media is at the start with newspaper and books, when you couldn’t get it instantly or online. Then proceed to be television and radio, ( where you can tune in at a certain time), finally it became new media with our smartphones and the internet. All of the information in the world was at our fingertips. One can look up or watch anything at anytime. In the In the article “ There’s a Healthier Way to Consume your Media” by John Donovan, Mr. Donovan explains the different media we use and how much time we should be on it. There’s apps like Facebook and YouTube that no one shouldn’t be on a lot of the time because it’s not very useful and it’s not a very smart way to spend our time. Stuff like messenger is alright because we are communicating with others. The best type of media is real books, music, art. The most important is talking to each other. Real life communication is a very important skill because we should be using it everyday.
The definition of “New Media” is different platforms to communicate entertainment or an idea. It can express one idea to another on multiple different devices/ media. The way new media is created is that it is interactive (2 way communication) and on demand, meaning anyone can see it instantly. The way that media became “New Media” is at the start with newspaper and books, when nobody couldn’t get it instantly or online. Then proceed to be television and radio when the viewer can tune in at a certain time. Finally it became “New Media” with our smartphones and the internet. All of the information in the world was at our fingertips. Anyone is able to look up or watch anything at anytime. In the article “ There’s a Healthier Way to Consume your Media” by John Donovan, Mr.Donovan explains the different media that modern humanity uses and how much time a person should be on it. There’s apps like Facebook and YouTube that no one should be on a lot of the time because it’s not very useful and it’s not a very smart way to spend our time. It is said that, “an average American spends over 12 hours a day “ on modern technology (Donovan, 2018). Stuff like messenger is alright because people are communicating with others. The best type of media is real books, music and art. The most important is talking to each other. Real life communication is a very important skill because everyone should be using it everyday.
Thank you for your insightful blog post discussing the topic of “New Media.” I have read your response and have the following feedback for you.
– You seem to understand what “New Media” is and you highlight some examples to illustrate your understanding, however, comparing it to traditional media could have shown a difference and could further explore your examples
– You somewhat show how media usage/consumption is fragmented and how we use different hardware and software for different purposes
– You do a great job in outlining ways to consume media in a healthier manner.
Thank you,
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher
Thank you for taking the time to revise your “New Media Explained” paragraph using formal writing techniques and quotation integration. The following are my observations:
– Not Mr. Donovan (just say Donovan)
– Avoid abbreviations (apps)
– Avoid we (first person pronoun)
Mr. Barazzuol
English Teacher