My group did our stop motion video on “Gentlemen, Your Verdict”. In our version, my group add different quotes from the story and added what we thought it would resemble if it were filmed. Some of our quotes were: “God save our country and king”, “I will join my crew after I have filled out my report” and “guilty or not guilty.” I contributed to my group by writing a script, getting the background, getting the app on my phone and filming it. I had also used my voice for the narrator and the judge.
Thank you for posting the “Stop Motion Project” based on your short story unit. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective, that I wanted to share with you:
– Editing and overall presentation is well done creating a stop motion project (camera is a bit shaky at points and audio is a bit unpracticed at points)
– Professional in format (produces a fairly high quality project using the medium of stop motion)
– Retells the story utilizing the media fluency (new product)
– Posted and embedded correctly on your Edublog
Thank you for posting!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher