Our question: Would the detergent be better at a higher price?
- 4 pieces of equally cut cloth
- red wine
- 4 beakers
- hairdryer
- warm water
- graduated cylinder
- 4 different types of detergent
- a mixing tool
- a timer (on a phone)
- plastic bags
- microwave
- a tablespoon
- Safety glasses
Steps we took:
Our dependent variable was the type of detergent and our independent variables everything else (how big of stain, water temperature etc.)
- we took a medium size piece of cloth and cut it equally into four pieces
- we put 2 table spoons of red wine on each of the pieces of cloth
- then we put them into the microwave for 30 seconds each.
- Do these steps 14 hours prior to the experiment. ^
Put on your safety glasses
- fill the beakers with 250ml of 40 degrees of water for each one
- then measure out (with the graduated cylinder) 2.5ml of detergent.
- Add the detergent into the water. Make sure you use a different type of detergent each time for each beaker
- after that, mix each beaker, detergent mixture for around 30 seconds
- then add the piece of cloth in
- mix all together for 10 mins
- after that, let it sit for 5mins
- ring the fabric out
- place fabric onto plastic bags
- after that, dry each piece separately with the hair dryer till fully dry
- see your results!
Our hypothesis was that tide would work the best because it was the most known even though it was the cheapest.
As we were mixing the cloth, we immediately thought that either the tide or the ultra would be best because we could almost immediately see a difference.
Our results were that all were extremely clean but tide and ultra looked the best.
Reflection questions:
- Discuss the Wonder Questions that you began this inquiry with. Did this initial brainstorm influence on how you conducted your experiment?
We started out have 5 different questions. Each member of our group did a little bit of research on their topic to see which one would work the best. Our questions were: Would the cost affect how it works, if the chemicals made a big difference, if the temperature of water affected it, and more.
- Discuss how the research you did after your wonder questions helped you plan your experiment?
The research after words helped us because that’s how we could plan our experiment. We searched up different thing about detergent and added to our plan
- What variable was the independent variable? What variable was the dependent variable?
The independent variable was the type of detergent. The dependent variable was the amount we used for everything, the stain, the temperature of water and how long it took us.
- State the hypothesis you made before conducting your lab. Did the results from your lab support your initial hypothesis?
Our hypothesis was that the tide would work because it’s the most known. Our results were that, indeed tide worked the best but it also got the same results as ultra.
- Describe how your group designed a controlled science experience (describe how you changed only one variable and kept all other variables constant).
We took it step by step. First, we used the same amount of water and stains. We stayed consistent by measuring EVERYTHING out.
6. What new Wonder Questions has your inquiry led you to? What do you now wonder about the effectiveness of detergents? If time allowed, what future inquiries would you explore about laundry detergents?
Now I wonder if the type of fabric affected anything or if could get a red wine stain out, why can’t my washing machine? I would love to explore different types of fabric to see if a stain would come off just as easily.
7. Reflect on the collaborative work of your group. What strengths were you able to bring to the group? In future group work, how would you collaborate differently?
I was able to bring a hairdryer. I was also able to bring ideas and different ways to do certain stuff. In the future, I think maybe our whole group could participate in everything because at some arts it was just certain people.