Week 15 – Adding Radical Expressions

This week in pre-calculus 11, we continued to learn about radical expressions. What I would like to focus on for this blog post is adding radical expressions. There are four steps to adding radical expressions which are as follows: Determine the lowest common denominator. Rewrite each fraction as an equivalent. Combine numerators. Reduce if possible. […]

Week 14 – Equivalent Rational Expressions

This week in pre-calculus 11, we had our graphing test then got straight to work on our next chapter: Rational Expressions. We started off by reviewing basic factoring that we’ve been doing for the past couple years. Then following our review, we started learned about multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting rational expressions. I found this, for […]

Week 13 – Graphing Reciprocals

This week in pre-calculus 11, we learned about graphing reciprocal functions. The hardest part about this was graphing quadratic reciprocal functions, because there are three different forms depending on how many roots it has. This equation contains one root. This equation contains two roots. This equation contains no roots. Thank you so much for reading! […]

Week 12- More Graphing Inequalities and Systems

This week in pre-calculus 11 we learned about how to solve quadratic systems. Most questions were based on two lines either quadratic-quadratic or linear-quadratic. There are multiple ways of find the solution for where both lines cross, like graphing or elimination. However, in class we learned about the process of substitution. This is the process of […]