Ally Deras 2016-11-02
Name of host: Carlos
RAP: 66
Relationship: Father
Class: Math9-JThies
What is your job title?
Cummins Western Canada- Parts man. He works in an office and researches old machine parts. Throughout the day he puts on a safety vest with goggles and heavy shoes to later enter a department filled with machines and boxes and many people organizing files and shipping boxes. My dad is responsible for finding the right parts to match the engine of any customer and making sure he is on time with any demands. He has to have a trustworthy relationship with his co-workers if they ever ask him to do a favor which is a big part of his role at work.
What is your job description?
He helps around the entire department. . As a parts man, he is in charge of supplying parts of any engine for the technicians who will fix the generators. He also provides support for the customers that own generators, anytime they ask for a part, he is there to order it and receive it. That is his very own role and no one has the right to take control over it. When the service writers in the office ask him to provide a part he has to find it, it can be provided from any department in BC (e.g.: Edmonton, Regina, Kamloops, Saskatoon). He has to keep the inventory for all the repairs that need to be done.
What tasks do you perform at your job?
When the service writers ask for parts, he not only has to provide them but along with that, he has to supply a hard copy quote for each customer. Earlier mentioned, he is the only person allowed to order and stage parts, anyone who tries to take over his role could get in trouble. Something he does daily is loading and unloading large units on and off of trucks. Then once his parts are ordered he makes receipt numbers and submits them to an accounting.
What qualifications do you have for this job?
He has had previous experiences with automotive repairs. This job has different departments meant for different skills but they are connected so when one department needs skill to work with machines, when you get a promotion the next department will need the same amount of skill. The training is provided by the company, you don’t need to train on your own because they will teach you anything you need to know when you apply for the job. For the skills and attributes, he spares many good qualities. He is a hard working person who will not give up if he finds a task difficult. He is responsible and on time for any duty, which is something important because this company is relying on responsible individuals. He has the ability to resolve problems which gives a good impression to the customers and his co-workers. He can multitask, if needed which comes in handy when it gets busy. He is a very organized person, if anyone needs any parts for any engine, they will know where it is at all times due to the organized department. And last but not least he is a good team player. If something goes wrong he makes sure it is fixed but with a positive attitude. When things get tough he looks on the bright side and doesn’t bring down others, which is a good quality to have in any situation.
What are some things you like about this job?
“There are many things to enjoy about this job, it is always a pleasure coming to work“.
To start off he explained that Cummins is a worldwide brand name well known by many people who live everywhere around the world, they are a trustworthy company that have a good way of pleasing their customers. In the department, the people are always so generous and friendly it never feels like a workplace. Because it is so welcoming, it almost feels like an area to get along with friends, making work a better environment to come to throughout the week.
What are some things you dislike about this job?
“At work there aren’t many things to dislike but sometimes, there could be things to be improved.”
One thing it could approve on is sharing the amount of work everyone receives. Sometimes it feels as if one person is getting more work than another which is a handful and could lead to stress. But for the most part he enjoys working here and wouldn’t change any experiences that has been created at Cummins.
How do you anticipate this job changing in the next five years?
Since this company has been around for about 100 years, not much will change, the company will continue to grow and get better as far as few economy. In the generator department (in general), because they use gas presently, maybe in the next five years instead of gas they will use water, wind and sun which would be something different, but also new and a “fresh start”.
Give three reasons why you would like this job:
The environment– The people my father works with are very genuine and welcoming. Once you come inside the building you can feel how happy everyone is and it is always a pleasure seeing everyone and meeting new people.
The flexibility– This job in specific is very open to all skills. Everyone is talented in different ways and this job gives everyone a different skill (of their own) to offer.
” You learn something new everyday“. For many jobs everyday is usually the same routine, mainly following a schedule and knowing at exactly what time there will be an event or something happening. In this job it isn’t like that, here no one follows a schedule which makes things more interesting because everyday they do something different.
E.g: If there is a machine that needs to be fixed, there will always be a different machine there is never the SAME one.
Give three reasons why you wouldn’t like this job:
Though this job has many good qualities there are some things that could improve.
- Active Life- My personality doesn’t fit in a working place where most of the day I would be stuck in an office on my computer. I would rather have a job where I am constantly moving where I could maintain an active lifestyle, even if it is at work.
- My interests- For many people this job fits perfectly on their interests; machines, electricity, research, etc. If this were my job I wouldn’t find any of my interests in it.
- Dream Job- As a kid, I wouldn’t imagine myself working in an office. I would rather work somewhere where it would fulfill my happiness because that is the most important thing to have in life.
Is this job for you?
To be 100% honest, this job would not be ideal for me. I love the people my dad works with and it seems like a great place to learn different things, but it wouldn’t be a job I would want later on in my career. This job may be good for other individuals but for me, sitting in an office for a long period of time will eventually get boring and it wont make me as happy as I would like to be.
Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary plans:
For each student their experience at their parents job will be different. This opportunity to really see what my dad does to provide food, money and shelter for my family was definitely different. Seeing it all happen has made me really think about my career more than I normally would. When I am done school I want to pursue a job that will make me happy but as well provide many needs. If I did not come and see what my father does for a living it wouldn’t help me and my future but because I did, it definitely has. Throughout the day I learned about the different roles everyone has in this department and it is very similar to what my life is like now, if there isn’t one person here doing their role, it makes the whole “team” fall apart, which is similar to my soccer team presently.