The strategy we followed to organize and create patterns was complex and difficult. We first started by placing the gases on the top and put them in color code order. After that we sorted them out by the unknown reactions to reactions. During this process we noticed a pattern of colour, there were four black coded elements in the front and at the end there were three white elements. We were given two blank elements that we had to fit in our “puzzle” and guess the missing information, so we added that to the last of our gas category following the other patterns we noticed (e.g.: the forms). Under this column we added the liquids where we noticed even more patterns and during this process, we came up with an idea, we decided to add up the numbers of the Grobles, Bargs and Pherms we organized the sums by smallest to largest in each of their categories (gases, liquids and gas). Finally, we added the solids to the bottom of our list placed from colors to forms to reactions and we then placed our last unfilled element at the end of this category following the patterns we noticed.
I enjoyed this activity I liked using different strategies to organize the elements and figuring out different ways to categorize them. I never would’ve thought to place them in order of smallest to largest sum. I learned different scientific terms and this made me think throughout the activity. In conclusion this activity was challenging but it definitely made me think outside of the box.