
The short story we selected to recreate, A Teacher’s Rewards by Robert Phillips, had a lot of dialogue between the two main characters, Raybe and Miss Scofield, leading to the climax, where […]

Presto The hunger, the pain, I want to complain About how I’m trapped in my cage of broken promises and rage All I want is that goddamn carrot I fight […]

  The “Dark side” of Technology In a world that is always evolving, we humans have created a source of survival and are becoming dependent on that source which is […]

Desmos art project This project was very insightful in helping me understand how some functions are projected and what terms in the equation change the overall place or size of the function.

In the past 2 lessons we learned the biological aspects of psychology and how the brain and our senses worked in an overall scientific way, so we dealt with Neuron […]

5 of the most important things that I have learned in Pre-Calc are Arithmetic sequence/series and geometric sequences/series Arithmetic sequences are numbers that increase by the difference, which can either […]

This week in Pre Calc, we learned about sine Law and how we can apply it to find the side and angle of a triangle. In the picture below, the […]

One thing that I learned while multiplying or dividing rational expressions is that I can flip a binomial to match another binomial so they can cancel eachother out and make […]