Aliessah's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month: March 2017

Collaboration Fluency

In this collaboration, my group of 3 brainstormed different ideas. At first we wanted to do something with magnets, but after multiple test runs, we came to a conclusion that it wouldn’t go the whole way. Then our other idea was to rub a blown up balloon on wool and then put it near the can to move it. After a few test runs we realized it would work really well and that was the plan that we used. But after brainstorming that, we didn’t think of any other ideas. When it was time for the race it worked, for the most part. At first we were struggling to get it moving, but when we switched balloons it started to work again, but I believe that there are better ways out there to move the can and maybe we would’ve found a better one if we hadn’t shut off our brainstorming. The collaboration was good though. My group was productive and finished everything in the given time. We also listened to each others ideas and all somehow contributed to the final product. All in all, this collaboration was sucessful.

French Revolution

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