Aliessah's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month: November 2016

Information Fluency

3 strategies for determining how reliable a webpages info is are to make sure there is a recent date from when the website was last updated, it should’ve been from the day before. Another strategy is to make sure there is an author listed with sponsers too. Sponsers only want to sponser websites that are real therefore seeing a sponser will make it real. To get there go to the riverside website then you click library then you click “click here”, look for EBSCO Database, then click

One thing I learned today was there are many questions you have to answer before realizing if a website is real or a hoax, but it’s very important to identify it though so take the time to do it.

Poetry Project

Song Analysis



Salad Rolls


  1. I enjoyed this lab because it was good way to get used to our new groups. We had to communicate with each other so we could know what we were all doing.
  2. Ways to make this healthier is so put less hoisin sauce in considering it contains 230 mg of salt. Another way is to use a bit of garlic or another type of vegetable rather than it be straight peanut butter and hoisin sauce. Garlic adds 15% of our recommended dietary allowances of vitamin C and 17% of Vitamin B6.
  3. Deep frying is a method of cooking by placing food into hot fat such as oil. It makes the calories go up which can cause people to eat more calories than they need leading to weight gain. It adds saturated fats and trans fat to the food which can cause high cholesterol and heart disease.

TOKTW 2016

The Interviewccs

Name of Host: Altaf Vasanji

Relationship to me: Father


  1. What is your job title? Manager Accounting
  1. What is your job description? Provide accurate and timely financial information and reports. Ensures adequate control, oversees governance.
  1. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? Financial reporting, oversees accounting and financial department and it’s employees, prepare financial reports, interacts with department manager, senior management, and board about financial output, budgeting, policies, procedures, and governance.
  1. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:
  1. Training? 1-5 years of internship at an accounting firm
  2. Education? University degree
  3. Experience? Several years of experiencing financial areas such as accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial planning and analysis.
  4. Skills and attributes? Communication, detail orientated, critical thinking, ability to multitask, analytical skills, and technical expertise.


  1. What are some of the things you like about this job? Working with different levels of staff and managers.
  1. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? The long hours it comes with.
  1. How do you anticipate this job changing in 5 years or so? Advances in technology in this field will strengthen the ability to keep the numbers organized for less mistakes.


Student Reflectiofficeons:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job?

a) Being able to interact with people in other places on a daily basis

b) Getting to travel around to other places

c) Getting to use critical thinking skills

 2. Give three reasons you would not like this job?

a) A lot of sitting and looking at a computer

b) Staying in a confined office without talking to people often

c) A lot of numbers involved

  1. Is this job for you? Why or why not? No, this job isn’t for me because I’m not the type of person who could handle working with big numbers. Although math is a strong spot for me, I find it overwhelming. On top of that, I could not be able to sit in a chair all day without talking to anyone. I enjoy interacting with people besides seeing coworkers at meetings where you have to be listening every second otherwise you lose what’s happening.


  1. Explain the value of TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas of your post-secondary plans? I got to experience a meeting my dad went into with two other people. With those two people they were talking on the phone with other people from another province where we could see their computer screen through my dad’s computer screen so we were all on the same page. I personally find that interesting and although I’m not a huge fan of numbers and working with it, it’s something I can get used to be able to do a job interacting with people from other places. Along in that meeting, the discussion fascinated me. Everyone used such big words so I wasn’t able to follow along with most of it, but it was so cool to be able to witness something like that. It also showed me how long people have to go to school for to be able to get a job like. Post-secondary wise, it’s definitely something to consider. Maybe not this kind of job where numbers is the main focus, but something along these lines would interest me in the future.

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