Analyzing Poetry – House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots

She asked me, “Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?”

She asked me, “Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?”

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I’ll put you on the map,
I’ll cure you of disease.

Let’s say we up and left this town,
And turned our future upside down.
We’ll make pretend that you and me,
Lived ever after happily.

She asked me, “Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?”

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I’ll put you on the map,
I’ll cure you of disease.

And since we know that dreams are dead,
And life turns plans up on their head,
I will plan to be a bum,
So I just might become someone.

She asked me, “Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?”

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I’ll put you on the map,
I’ll cure you of disease.

The song is directed towards the singer’s mother. The singer is speaking towards his mother.

Bangladesh Child Labour

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Above is the presentation using Powerpoint Online

Below is a direct link to the presentation at Powerpoint Online

My Day With the Drug Loo (Take Your Kid to Work Day)

So yeah, Take Your Kid to Work Day was yesterday. I went to my mom’s work on Wednesday. My mom works with the CBSA office down town in the intelligence division. I think.

Anyway, she thought that her little office building was boring, so instead, she sent me to the airport. And what’s at the airport? CBSA, or Canadian Border Services Agency. Basically, a bunch of officers showed us around the airport. We saw how the xray machines worked, and we saw two detector dogs. One of them, a small beagle was trained to find marijuana, and another one, a Labrador, was trained to find money of at least 5000 in someone’s luggage, or more precisely, ink. We were also shown how a “secondary inspection” would go down. Basically, when someone flies into the airport, the first people to greet them is the PIL, the primary inspection line. This line of people would basically question passengers entering Canada about their trip. What did the passenger do there, how long were they there, things like that. This is so they know that they are legitimate people who really were on a vacation, and they aren’t trying to smuggle something into Canada or whatnot. Only takes less than a minute, and if they seem legit, they’re sent on their way. If they seem nervous, they would go to secondary inspection where they would get a closer look at the passenger.

Science App Review (Chem Pro)

When you first open this app it shows you a whole bunch of chemistry topics that you can choose from. Once you click on a topic it brings you to a video that you can watch. There are also flash cards, a periodic table to reference to, and even an equation sheet, to show you how to calculate things like density, and converting Celsius to kelvin.screen480x480

Is the app easy to use? Yes, the app was easily accessible, laying out multiple subjects on atoms for you to choose from, ranging from atomic mass to elemental analysis.

Can it be understood quickly? The app does not give you strict instructions on how to use it, but simply clicking on a subject brings you to a video on the selected subject.

Can the app be used as a learning tool rather than a game? There is no way that you can use this app as a game. But this app contains a plethora of information that is easy to view.

Is the app able to teach you? The videos are easy enough to watch. Small videos that are eight minutes are easy to watch, while longer videos may require you to get comfortable for a while.

Is the app intriguing and easy to pay attention to? Or do you get bored while using it? The videos are engaging enough. Simple videos, like atomic mass, only take up 15 minutes of your time, while more complicated lessons take 30 minutes, sometime longer.

Is the app free? The app comes with 10 lessons on chemistry, but the full app has 80 different videos talking about different subjects in chemistry. Each set of 10 lessons costs $2.29, but you can get all seven lesson packs (70 different videos) for $11.99.