Desmos Art Function Card 2023

  1. I referred to the sheet that we got at the beginning of the year and I re-studied them to make sure I was familiar with all of the shapes and how they look when they are reflected, stretched and translated. I also found that studying for the final enforced my knowledge.

2. My biggest challenge was time management and the glitch that my computer had. My computer glitched and make it very difficult for me to shade. It made it a struggle to see what I had already completed and what still needed to do. Even on my screenshot, I could not get it to load. When I zoom in, it shows that it is filled in, but when it is zoomed out, it does not. Because of this glitch, shading took a lot longer than expected and it ended up being a little rushed.

3. My “aha” moment  was realizing how helpful it is to write the functions in function notation, and how much easier it is when they are labeled with specific letters depending on their shape, it made it so much more efficient and easier to graph.

4. Yes, I got help from my friends who have already taken this class and who have already completed their demos projects. They helped me with the shading and showed me more precise ways to match my lines to my original image.

5.  I found that writing things down on paper first helped me solve things easier a strategy that I used was to schedule my time. I booked off a lot of time after school to work on it and although it was rushed at the end, I tried to stick to my schedule

6. This assignment helped me understand how transformations effect functions. It allowed me to have hands on experience and I got to learn by doing instead of just listening to a lesson. I think this project is good for someone who is a kinetic learner  like myself, because it allows for an interactive experinece.


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