October 18th, 2021
Last Week I started and finished my first part of my inquiry project. I found a reference picture that I wanted to try and replicate and then I started my sketch. After my sketch I painted it with water colours. I think this painting turned out good and it was realistic which was what my goal was for my inquiry project. Before this painting, I practiced different water colour techniques such as using different textures to paint on, and different layering techniques. I also learned that these birds eat fruits, and are attracted to bright organ colours. I also learnt that the oldest Orange oriole to live was 12 years old. Things went expected and I would not change anything if I were to do it again. A goal for this week is to start my second painting for my inquiry project.
October 25th, 2021
Last week I started my second inquiry painting. I originally had planned to do a variety of animals but after last week I still wanted to continue on a bird theme. I decided to do a toucan. I found a reference photo that I wanted to copy, and then I sketched and started the painting of a toucan. I met my goal for last week, and am proud of the work I have done so far on it. Next week I want to have my toucan painting finished with more refined details. I am not finished my toucan painting but I am proud of how it looks so far.