Exploring Quadratic Functions

1. What is a Quadratic Function?
A quadratic function is in the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c. A, b, and c are numbers that are not equal to zero. The graph of a quadratic function is a curve called a parabola. Parabolas can be open upward or downward and vary in “width” or “steepness”, but they all have the same basic “U” shape.

2.  a)This is a Quadratic Function:

     b)This is not a Quadratic Function:

3. No matter what the two sides of the parabola are always symmetrical.

5. a) when a < 0 the parabola becomes negative
i) maximum point

b) when a > 0 the parabola becomes positive
ii) minimum point

     c) when -1 < a > 1 the parabola becomes a straight line

     d) when a > 1 or a < -1 the parabola becomes narrow

6.  The relation ship between a negative and postive in a vertex 

7. When a and b are constant and you change the value of c, the parabola moves up or
down the y axis.


Root = 0
Equation: y = 1×2 + x + -1

Roots = 1, -1
Equation: y = 1×2 + x -1

Roots = above the x axis
Equation: y = 1x 2 + x + 0.5

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