Socials Confederation Debate

What colony did you represent? Newfoundland
What did you feel were the biggest or most important issues for your colony? Some of the bigger issues we came across in our colony were things based on our location, a lot of things weren’t accessible to us easily on the mainland by things like railway which would lead us try and bargain for alternatives, like a ferry system. It also didn’t help that our economy was in great debt, which left little room for budging in the taxes area.
What strategy did your group come up with to deal with those issues? We just brainstormed ideas that seem feasible and realistic, I think also having a lot of the same deals as the other island colonies really helped.
Did you have to make any concessions during the negotiation phase? If so, what agreements or concessions did you come up with? We just made deals that we liked, the only thing really that got effected during the negotiation phase was the percentages.
Were you happy with the outcome of the confederation debates? Yes I am, I think a lot of the deals worked out in our favour.
What is one thing you wish had happened differently with the final results and why? I don’t think I would change anything I thought our group got a lot of fair deals, if I really needed to choose one thing though, I would possibly get the percentages to be even lower .

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