May 15th 2018 archive

WWI Cartoon

  1. a. Serbia, b. Austria, c. Russia, d. Germany, e. France, f. Britain

2)  The theme of the blue circles is because of nationalism, between Serbia and Russia, who Russia was for it because it allowed for access to the mediterranean, and between France and Britain they are tied together because of Imperialism, however all of them are tied together because they all choose to go against the two who formed dual alliance (Austria and Germany and eventually a triple alliance with the Italians) thats why b and d are yellow circles is because its them against the other four because of their alliance, and largely pitted against the other four as well because Germany and Britain (opposite colours) were always in a battle/race to retain the empire majority.

3) The theme of this one is nationalism because Serbia was one of the nations in the Balkans that wanted its own independence, to be a nation state. Even deepened more when Austrias Archduke Franz Franklin was assassinated by a Serbian citizen because of Bosnian Nationalism, which caused Austria to send an ultimatum to Serbia who did not comply, causing Austria to declare war.

4) The theme of this is Imperialism between all these countries (Germany, France, Britain) who are all connected through a power struggle of land. Germany and Britain are always in (tightest race) a race to conquer the most amount of land for their empires, they are all connected because of their race for africa. Germany and France were dulling over that after the Franco-Prussian war that lost France Alsace-Lorraine, which found France seeking revenge, and Britain was involved because Germany had to pass through Britains extensive navy, which didnt want Germany to get by because of there race to top each others land area.

5) The theme of this is because of Germany and Britain’s arms race to top the navy incase of a battle, (theme of militarism).

6) This cycle represents Serbia killing Austria’s archduke which caused Austria to declare war on Serbia and since Russia and Germanys Reinsurance Treaty was not renewed before WWI  they didn’t side with Germany because they had formed a triple entente with France and Britain, which comes into play when France orders a general mobilization after Germany joined the war on August 1st to back up Austria. (After chart) Since Italy had broken the triple alliance between themselves, Austria and Germany when a war had been declared between Austria and Serbia, Germany decided to declare war on Italy, then invaded neutral Belgium the next day, which Britain thought was unfair so they declared war on Germany, and Italy eventually sided on the triple entente side.

7) a. This cartoon shows a Siberian perspective, how they are always picked on and how Austria deserved it because they finally stood up for themselves which caused this large outfall between everyone, and how their assassination was justified because they were always getting picked on, even though they were so small.

b. Serbia is depicted as a child because they are considered little because they were little in sense of navy/ ability to protect, the triple entente was formed between Russia (who has ties to Serbia because they want access to Mediterranean), France, and Britain (strongest navy). When the war happened the triple entente was there to sort of protect serbia as a threat, because it was basically everyone against Germany and Austria.

c. It sort of makes sense not really ironic or sarcastic for the most part its realistic when comparing the treaties/alliances between the countries which can be seen as a relationship (like a friendship) although ironic because some of them were completely against each other, other than that it is just describing the relationships between the countries.