April 29th 2016 archive

DNA Blog

How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another?

Chromosomes, DNA, and genes are all related to one another because they all relate to your genetic makeup. They all provide input on different things to make you unique and who you are. Genes from your parents are combines to make DNA and your DNA is in your chromosomes. To make yourself who you are you need all of the above, and that’s how they are related.

Explain what these following candies represent: red licorice, black licorice, marshmallows (yellow, orange, pink, green), toothpicks

The red licorice and black licorice represented the backbone of the DNA, and the marshmallows represented the parts that compose base pairs, Adenine and Thymine, and Guanine and Cytosine. The toothpicks represent the bonds between the base pairs. Together it all created a “DNA” strand.

Did this activity help you understand the structure of DNA? Explain your answer.

Yes, this activity helped me to understand the structure of DNA better. It gave me a better visual of how the DNA is built, and how it works. It really made me understand the parts, and the base pairs, A only goes with T, and G with C.


