February 2016 archive

Science 9 oobleck lab

1.)The properties of chemical A and B:
Chemical A was a powdery substance, a solid but very soft to the touch. It was a light beige with. And reactive to water (thats what is mixed with to make oobleck). Chemical B was a transparent liquid with no scent. It was thin and not very dense.

2.)The properties and behaviour of oobleck: oobleck was dense and felt like a wet powder, almost like a clay, but when u would pick it up it would turn into a liquid like the thickness of paint. It would be a solid until you applied heat (with your hand) or picked it up.

3.) I think oobleck is both a solid and liquid. The way it reacts to how you touch the substance performs as both a liquid and a solid. When you touch it slowly your hands move through as if it is water. This is because the cornstarch particles have enough time to react to the motion and move out of the way. If you quickly tap the oobleck though, it feels like a solid. Oobleck is actually considered a non-Newtonian fluid.

4.) This lab helped me understand the changes of state. Example; when you are moving the Oobleck quickly in your hands it becomes a solid. But when you slowly touch it it acts as a liquid.
