Observing cells

1. a) Under the microscope animal cells look like squiggly lines. Very few cell structures are visible from what Clare and I observed. We could only manage to make out three of the cell structures.

b) Under the microscope plant cells look like reptile scales. Even fewer cell structures were visible only the Vacuole was visible from what Clare and I managed to see. It was easier to find plant cells then animal cells due to the fact that we were using a red onion.

2. You can tell plant and animal cells apart by the fact that animal cells look more germy and plant cells look more scale-y. Also animal cells will be more blue  do to the mathylene we use.

3. The reason that we used methylene  on the plant cell is because it’s less visible then the plant cell. We didn’t use it on the plant cell was because it is easier to find and more visible.

4. Reflection:

I learned the proper way to use a microscope, what animal and plant cells look like, also how difficult it can be to find the cell structures. I also learned so much that i didn’t know such as what cells look like under a microscope, how to use a microscope, and how to prepare a slide. I had never learned about cells before that lab  learned about cells before

Some questions I had were: what would it look like if we had a stronger microscope?, How different do all cells look ?, what do my cells look like?

I am curious about how everyone’s cells look, how strong the microscope has to be to see everything, and how different everyone’s cells are.


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