Plot Point Photos – “Father and Son”

1) Exposition
Quote: “I do not sleep well I hear my friends rising to go to work. I know that in a few minutes he will come in to look at me sleeping. He will want to check that I came home last night.” (Maclaverty 165)

Explanation: It tells of the two characters the father and the son from the son’s point of view. The reader can tell the son is not a fan of the fathers check up’s. The reader can tell the son would like to be left alone.

2) Rising Action
Quote: “Like we used to on the bus to Toome” (Maclaverty 160)

Explanation: This quote explains the son’s old relationship with the father before the mother dies. It shows a time where the father wasn’t paranoid about the son. The quote shows how the son wants his old father back

3) Rising Action
Quote: “Today I thought you were dead” (Malaverty 166)

Explanation: It shows the reader how paranoid the father really is. The reader can tell the father is truly worried about the son. The reader is shown into the mind of the father and his worry

4) Rising Action
Quote: “Your face is thin. Your fingers are orange with nicotine.” (Maclaverty 166)


Explanation: The reader can tell the son had some problem with drugs. During the time the son was on drugs he probably was a mess. The son has probably debts after he quit drugs.


5) Rising Action
Quote: “Why don’t you tell me where you are going” “Because I don’t know” (Maclaverty 167)


Explanation: Shows that the son is in some deep trouble. The son is not telling his dad about what is going on in his life. The son my have some problems or relapsed.


6) Climax
Quote: “The door swings open to see my son put a hand gun under his pillow” (Maclaverty 160)


Explanation: The son is in some trouble and may need help. The dad is going to be even more paranoid about the situation. Anyone can see the son has trouble brewing.


7) Falling Action
Quote: “My son with friends. Talking” (Maclaverty 160)


Explanation: The son is still continuing with his bad habits. The dad is not paranoid about his son’s friends. The son has put his guard down.


8) Denouement
Quote: “A hole in his nose that should not be there” (Maclaverty 160)

Explanation: The son is dead. The father is crying because his wife is gone and now his son too. He know he should have talked to his son sooner.